Your Own Explorer Bag

We dispatched a Quaternity Surprise Package to you; If you are not in Johannesburg, you should have received this already. Johannesburg-residing Associates had packages shipped to the Greenstone Office.

It is very important that you collect your package BEFORE the event.

Please contact Yolandi Coertze at [email protected] to make arrangements for collection. If you are not on the Platooning Roster, or not allowed to work from the office yet due to the Covid Guidelines, you will not be able to access the office block or parking.

But you will be able to collect your package from Security at the Greenstone Office Gate, once you have arranged for pick-up with Yolandi.

Your Checklist

On Wednesday 20 Jan (13h00 - 16h00) & Thursday 21 Jan (13h00 - 17h00), be prepared to experience a virtual online event like never before! This is QUATERNITY!
Don't open the envelope until you're given permission, it contains valuable information you will need on 21 January. Explore your NOTEBOOK and be inspired by the great journeys of explorers who have gone before you.
Most of all, HAVE FUN & perhaps rediscover the inner child within you!

  • a notebook to record everything

  • a pencil (oversized) so you won't lose it in the action

  • a mug to keep filled with strong coffee

  • a ticket to get out out of trouble and onto a ship

  • a 1000-piece puzzle to help you escape to QUATERNITY

  • an eyes-only folder you can only open when T.Hatch tells you to!

You are an EXPLORER

Observe, Collect & Document.

Notice Patterns.

Copy. Trace.

Record what you're drawn to.